August 23, 2022

UPS for Air Warfare Destroyers

APC Technology design, manufacture, test and supply UPS project.

Following the successful delivery of rugged computing solutions for the P3 Orion project, APC Technology landed the contract to supply uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for the Air Warfare Destroyer fit out in July 2013 through Raytheon Australia.

The project required the design & development of the UPS for maintaining power to the ships system including the communication and information network, COMCEN and audio-visual equipment.

Key requirements (1)

Part of the requirements outlined within the RFQ included a UPS with levels of efficiencies over 90% whilst still generating low heat emissions. The development of the 3RU 3KVA and 2RU 1KVA solutions came about after extensive research into existing UPS solutions in the market place and the realisation that no existing manufacturer was able to meet the specifications satisfactorily. APC Technology took the decision to design and manufacture a bespoke solution.
At the time of concept, the units provided world leading performance for their size. Additionally the utilisation of long life lithium iron phosphate (LiFeP04) batteries was cutting edge prior to them becoming more mainstream.

A key feature of the battery is the constant discharge voltage which offers higher levels of safety due to the simplification of the voltage regulation circuitry. They also offer a longer cycle life than lithium-ion batteries due to the nominal output which results in a slower rate of capacity loss.

Services & products provided

APC Technology provided the design, certification, manufacture and testing of the units. This included prototypes. The schedule for delivery was 12 months from the effective date. APC Technology supplied approximately 100 UPS units made up of 3RU high power (3kW) and 2RU low power (1kW).

Relationship with Raytheon

APC Technology has worked with Raytheon for more than eight years with engagement increasing as the partnership grew between the two companies.  Raytheon described APC Technology’s work on the AWD.

Throughout the Air Warfare Destroyer program APC Technology has retained an astute customer focus and exhibited a robust collaborative culture with an ethos intent on delivery of successful project outcomes.

APC Technology's commitment to resolving challenging issues and taking ownership of problems that arose through the development of these custom products was an outstanding contribution to the success of the CIS project and broader AWD Program.

This commitment from APC Technology has not gone unnoticed and they have been contracted to provide solutions for the SEA 1654 AOR project as a supplier to Raytheon Australia.(3)

Key Features (2)

Dual conversion on-Line UPS

Adjustable Charge Capability

Input range of 100 to 270VAC 47 Hz to 63Hz

Output of 230VAC 60Hz +/- 0.1%

Power factor of greater than 0.96

Allows for loads with a power factor of 0.85 or higher

Battery management and charging for LiFePO4 battery packs

Operating temperature of 0°C to 50°C

Indicators: Sounder | Output available |

Battery Charged | Battery Depleted | Battery 50% | Charging | Hold up

Contact our Sales team sales@apctechnolgy.com.au or complete our online form to chat about your next project.


1) APC Technology press release issued October 2013 - APC develops UPS

2) Information from APC UPS datasheet- available on request
3) Quote originated from press release issued by APC in October 2018- ‘APC Technology Win Contract to Supply Radio Opera to Raytheon Australia’

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